
Cory Hanebrink
Emergency Manager

Office: (580) 363-0300
Fax: (580) 363-0324

Emergency Management is responsible for disaster preparedness, public safety communications and safety training for the City of Blackwell. This office is also responsible for maintaining cooperative relationships with all City departments, City officials; along with state and federal agencies, and the general public. Emergency Management’s main office is located in City Hall at 221 West Blackwell, Blackwell, Oklahoma.

Helpful Links:

Click HERE for Chikaskia River levels

Click HERE to learn about Winter Weather Preparedness

Homeowners Guide to Lightning Safety

Preparing for Disasters in Your Home: What to Buy, What to Skip

Emergency Preparedness and Pets

Important Legal Documents for Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

How to Organize and Prepare for Disasters


While yes, it’s true that some areas of the U.S. are more likely to be struck by natural disasters than others, each area has its own unique risks that certainly won’t make them exempt. That’s not to mention that the threat of climate change creates more, more deadly, and more unusual natural disasters.

Then there are still other unlikely but possible scenarios: Tsunamis can affect New York City, volcanoes can affect the central plains, and really, asteroids are always a vague threat we can do nothing about. But it’s important to focus on the things we can do something about, what we can (and should) prepare for.

Blake Kelly of the Boy Scouts of America helped find this information, thank you, Blake!

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