Chief of Police
Jay Brewer
224 W. Blackwell
Blackwell, OK 74631
Office: (580) 363-5490
Fax: (580) 363-1375
The Police Department, with approximately 25 employees, protects and serves the community from criminal activity by enforcing city, state and federal laws. The department keeps the peace, apprehends criminals and helps prepare cases for prosecution.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Blackwell Police Department is to be committed to delivering professional, transparent unbiased law enforcement services in a compassionate manner in order to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Blackwell.
The vision of the Blackwell Police Department is to create a safe and secure community where all individuals are treated with respect, fairness, and dignity and where crime is deterred, prevented, and swiftly addressed through collaborative efforts with our community partners.
Core Values
- Integrity: We conduct ourselves with uncompromising honesty, honor, ethics, and nobility in all situations and relationships.
- Human Dignity: We acknowledge and recognize the value of all people by carrying out our duties with dignity, respect, and deliberate regard for all.
- Justice: We serve our community in an unbiased and impartial manner, applying equal protection to all under the law and fairly enforcing the rule of law we are sworn to uphold.
- Professionalism: We are accountable to ourselves and the public for the quality of our service. We strive for exceptionalism in standards of proficiency and conduct in all aspects of our duties. We seek to continually improve ourselves, our department, and our community relationships.
- Leadership: Steadfast, resolute leadership is a hallmark of our department. We entrust our members to lead ethically and responsibly within the organization and in the community we serve.
Do you have private video surveillance cameras at your home or business? If so, the Blackwell Police Department is asking residents and business owners throughout Blackwell to register their privately owned surveillance camera systems. As officers investigate criminal incidents, they may be able to use footage gathered from community cameras to help solve crimes.
Community Cameras Hold the Keys to Solving Many Crimes
Video surveillance cameras are great tools for apprehending criminals and catching suspects who are in the act of committing a crime. The problem is, police don’t know where most of the cameras in our community are located. Going door to door during an investigation is a time-consuming process, especially when time is of the essence to solve a crime. The solutions are knowing where cameras are located so if a crime occurs near a registered camera, officers can easily and quickly contact camera owners whose cameras may have captured valuable footage and work with them to view the video if needed.
How Does the Program Work?
The Community Camera Registration Program allows residents and business owners to register locations and capabilities of their security camera system with the Blackwell Police Department. Using this information when a crime occurs, the Blackwell Police Department will know the location of nearby cameras and we can then collect the video evidence to help us follow up on leads.
What are the Benefits of Registering your Camera?
When suspects are caught in the act of committing a crime, video surveillance is one of the best methods to help catch criminals and gather vital evidence. As crime occurs nearby, many residents and business owners are unaware that their camera systems may have captured information that could help solve a crime. Likewise, police are not always aware of who may have potentially vital video evidence.
Through the Blackwell Police Department Community Camera Registration Program, officers can quickly identify cameras that may have captured criminal activity when they are investigating cases. After registering your camera, you will only be contacted by the Blackwell Police Department if there is a criminal incident in the vicinity of your security camera that police believe will assist in the investigation. The investigating officer will contact the camera owner and arrange to view the video. The Blackwell Police Department will never have direct access to any video. Viewing of any video footage will be arranged through communication with the camera owner.
How Would My Footage Be Obtained?
If a criminal incident occurs in the vicinity of your camera the Blackwell Police Department may contact you at the phone number or address included on your registration to ask to view the camera footage. The Blackwell Police Department will not be able to access video footage directly.
Information provided to the Blackwell Police Department regarding your camera system will be for official use only.
Make Our Community Safer
Our goal is to empower residents and business owners to taking a community-wide approach to policing. We hope that you will join us in this initiative and help protect the community we all care about.
Those who would wish to participate may simply fill out the form below:
Registration Form